Paediatric Spirometry

Face to Face courses are available in your own locality when they have been commissioned by your employer/ICB. Your training hub will be able to advise you whether these are currently available in your area.

Our spirometry courses are suitable for any health care professional involved in the performance and/or interpretation of spirometry.

Our courses have all been accredited by the CPD certification service. Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks. The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements. The course content follows ARTP quality assurance standards.

The course is available via eLearning through our virtual learning environment (VLE). Here you will have access to PowerPoint presentations with audio, interactive quizzes, videos and resources. You will also have access to email, telephone support or 1-2-1 ZOOM tutorials if required. The course provides formative assessments throughout, so you can evaluate your learning and knowledge. There is additional certification for assessment of competency which is included in the course fee. Please note that these are an alternative route of competency assessment to those set by ARTP. See our section on ARTP.

One extension can be given at no additional cost, and additional extensions for a small administration fee. There are no set start dates to allow for flexibility.

If you wish to complete the ARTP competency assessments you can register yourself with ARTP at any point. We can also do this with you but there is a small administration fee which is included in our prices below.

Significant discounts can be given to ICB’s or training hubs who commission our courses either face to face or via eLearning. For further information please see the Commissioning page.

Download an eLearning application form

    • Understand appropriate use of spirometry, including contraindications to the procedure.

    • Understand the importance of the verification of calibration of spirometry equipment, as part of the quality assurance process, so that standards of measuring and recording, as specified in national guidelines can be met.

    • Understand the terms used in measuring lung volumes.

    • Be able to obtain technically acceptable and reproducible measurements of dynamic lung volumes.

    • Be prepared for ARTP certification should you wish to go on to do this.

    • Identify any unacceptable or un-reproducible spirometry and explain the fault.

    • Understand the use of LLN and Z scores.

    • Analyse/interpret normal and abnormal patterns.

    • Explain the relationship between patho-physiological changes in the lung and the measurements obtained in spirometry.

    • Be prepared for ARTP certification should you wish to go on to do this.

    • Understand appropriate use of spirometry, including contraindications to the procedure.

    • Understand the importance of the verification of calibration of spirometry equipment, as part of the quality assurance process, so that standards of measuring and recording, as specified in national guidelines can be met.

    • Understand the terms used in measuring lung volumes.

    • Be able to obtain technically acceptable and reproducible measurements of dynamic lung volumes.

    • Identify any unacceptable or un-reproducible spirometry and explain the fault.

    • Understand the use of LLN and Z scores.

    • Analyse/interpret normal and abnormal patterns.

    • Explain the relationship between patho-physiological changes in the lung and the measurements obtained in spirometry.

    • Be prepared for ARTP certification should you wish to go on to do this.

Start Date Course Without ARTP
Registration Fee
Registration Fee
Flexible Foundation certificate (6 months) £182.00 inc. VAT £542.00 inc. VAT
Flexible Interpretation certificate (3 months) £182.00 inc. VAT £476.00 inc. VAT
Flexible Full certificate (6 months) £365.00 inc. VAT £725.00 inc. VAT


Please note an administration fee and mentorship fee has been applied to the ARTP registration fee when booked through ourselves.

You can also register directly with ARTP at any point which does not incur an additional administration fee